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Movember - November 2022

This month marks Movember, which is a charity that raises awareness for men’s mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. The idea came about by two men in Australia in 2003 and that year 30 men took part in shaving off all their facial hair and letting it grow out for the whole of November. Now, nearly 7 million people around the world take part, and they have raised money to be able to fund over 1250 men’s health projects.

Here at Excellect, everyone will be taking part in some way, with some of our team growing out facial hair and everyone in the team supporting and raising awareness for this important cause.

The charity, Movember, are the main charity in the world who raise awareness and prioritise funding for 3 of the biggest health issues men face: mental health/suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men and around the world, one man dies by suicide every minute, with males accounting for 69% of all suicides.

If you're an employer, you could look into getting Private Medical Insurance for your employees. You could get Mental Health Cover and Extra Cancer Care as add ons, to be able to have the support in place for your employees if they are ever in need.


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